Monday, December 15, 2014

Oh, Darn It!

     Tam just started watching the classic, incredible The X-Files episode, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space," and I don't have time to sit down and watch it.  Truly one of television's finest moments and The X-Files at the top of its form.


  1. That's one of my favorite episodes from back when X-Files was still interesting. The quote from the pilot, "Who, Lord Kinbote?" was one of the best parts.

    My other favorite one (I forget the title) had Peter Boyle as a life insurance salesman/precognite.

    That show became a zombie very quickly after that phase of episodes.

  2. There was a Jose Chung episode of Millennium, too. Had its moments.

  3. "Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense," it was. I could never forgive them for killing him off.

  4. Thats the one that had Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebek as the Men In Black, right?

  5. Yes, "...From Outer Space" had Ventura and Trebeck. Initially, they wanted to cast Johnny Cash as one of them.

  6. "Her hair was red, but too red..."
    And "yep, that's a bleeping dead alien all right." were two of my favorite lines from that episode.

  7. I liked the sweet potato pie in the diner bit, too (little hat tip to Twin Peaks).


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