Friday, December 12, 2014

Untruth In Advertising

     How can they call it "Chili con carne" when forensic tests show there's not a single speck of circus-roustabout meat in it?


  1. It's homeopathic chili con carne.

    The carney has been diluted to near-imperceptible levels.

  2. That's OK. Cincinnati Chili does contain some kind of meat, and Mexican-Mole-Sauce-style unsweetened chocolate, but as far as I can determine there is no chili in the chili. As in no peppers.)

    And if you've never had Cincinnati Chili, you aren't missing anything.

  3. See, I like a good Cincinnati-style every once in awhile, kind of as a change.

  4. If you ever find a "good" Cincinnati-style chili please post a location.

    Around here all they serve(Gold Star and Skyline) is a bland, watery, spaghetti sauce they call chili. Guess I spent too much time in Texas.

    Although as a coney sauce not so bad.


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