Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm Sorry, Gang

     Today is just not going to happen.  My back hurts plenty and I'm having to take the prescribed narcotic pain pills.  Keep thinking, "Okay, I've rested enough," but when I move, I start to hurt and my temperature spikes, followed by chills, followed by laying back down.  Rinse, lather, repeat.  Dammit.


  1. If you weren't taking heavy painkillers, I would tell you to get 3-4 scocth & water or at least a couple of beers. Alcohol dilates the urinary tract and makes "romancing" the kidney stones easier.

  2. At some point...you may have to give in to having it broken up with ultra sound or worse...surgery. Suffering is not good for the soul, I don't care what "they" say. :-(

  3. I'm almost completely sure the obstruction has cleared. But I was swole up badly for quite some time (This may have first struck two weeks ago) and things have to get back to normal as the swelling has subsided -- and that hurts.

  4. Feel better.

    A relative of mine had kidney stones once and I think he felt bad for a while even after they had evacuated his body.

  5. Yet she rises from her bed of pain to blog. Such dedication. Take it easy, RX.

  6. I picked up some of the Green River Soda you like in Chicago (they sell it during St. Patrick's Day month) and will bring it back to Indy. Hope you are feeling better.

  7. I'm almost completely sure the obstruction has cleared

    Awesome. I gots a feeling you're not the kind of person to let yourself heal. Well...please take it easy. We're addicted to the free ice cream here.

  8. Take care of yourself. we can get along without the free ice cream for a little while longer.

    I think.

  9. Chas: I was up some. Not gonna get too much done, might as well blog.

  10. Thoughts and prayers from this reader for a speedy recovery.

    wv: threa - guess it stopped in mid thought, like I do...


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