Sunday, March 22, 2015

Too Soon Old; Too Late Smart

     The curse of age: the older you get, the crazier politicians become.

      If you are lucky, it'll only be about half of them. If you're me, it'll be around 97 percent.


  1. Let's see, LBJ, Tricky Dick, Jerry Jimmah, George the 1st, Slick Willie, Dubya, and Obummer...

  2. The last 40 years makes a great case for a "None Of The Above" choice on every ballot.

  3. So we'v gone from Competent but Evil to just plain Evil. This is progress?

  4. John, I'm more inclined to go with "Competent at being evil."

  5. rick- Stalin was "Competent at being evil". This lot just proves Machiavelli's dictum that many leaders aren't able to be wholly good or wholly evil.
    "Competent at being incompetent" would be good way to put it.


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