Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Headache--

     A headache like the hot fist of an angry god -- and I'm not talkin' your more benevolent deities, either; closer to something thunk up by Robert E. Howard or H. P. Lovecraft, all crottled and cunning and vengeful.

     Sure hope it's susceptible to sunshine, happy thoughts and/or modern OTC painkillers.  And for the tinfoil-beanie bunch, I did get inoculated against whoopin' cough and lockjaw yesterday, so my left arm is throbbing in counterpoint.


  1. " my left arm is throbbing in counterpoint."

    Well, at least you have a distraction from the headache.

    (Scrabbling away at War Emergency Full.)

  2. Would a liberal dose of Jack Daniels help?


  3. I don't care what they say, that TDAP vaccine HURTS. I got one last fall after the grandson hatched.

  4. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Yeah, the vaccine site hurt for about a day and a half. That's a big ol' bllob of stuff.

  6. Y'know, as blog-owner, I don't have the check the "I'm not a robot" box to comment. So I guess that means it would be okay if I was a robot. H'mmm.


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