Wednesday, July 01, 2015

So, This Is Happening

     I have lived in Indianapolis since 1981.  In all that time, I have never -- not even once -- attended our local Science Fiction Convention.

     Thinking maybe this time, I will.  Tam's even offered to come along for moral support.


  1. Oh for goodness sakes go!. Dress comfortably, wear good shoes and have a great time.

  2. Oleg is going to be in town for GenCon.


  3. Yup. Gencon is also in town at the end of this month.

    Even moar geekiness.

  4. You absolutely should go, and Marian Call is a must see performer.

  5. That con soured me on the whole concept back in '81 or '82, can't remember which. Haven't been to any con since.

  6. I see there is a Masquerade Contest. Want to take bets on how many Sad Puppy costumes show up

    stay safe.

  7. Roberta X, remotelyJuly 2, 2015 at 12:25 PM

    Aw, geez. That whole Puppies/"SJW" is just the worst gawdawful crap to pollute SF since the Futurians and the Major Exclusion Act in 1939. It's still the same ghetto and eveyone in SF is in it; if I encounter any of that nonsense at Inconjunction, I shall leave immediately.


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