Thursday, September 10, 2015

Everybody's A Critic

     Y'don't say?

     My lettering, Tam's words. 


  1. We're so boring, making do with a simple magnet that says "Clean or "Dirty", depending on which way is up.

  2. Stan Freberg!
    Everybody wants to be an art director
    Everybody wants to call the shots
    Everybody wants to be a flag dissector
    Changing all my stars to polka dots
    Everybody thinks that they're the final word
    On what is strictly out and what is in
    How'd you like a banner made of pea green spots
    On simulated leopard skin
    Or possibly a flag that features fleur-de-lis
    On ocher corrugated tin?

  3. DW: Our dishwasher has a non-magnetic front. The dry-erase board is also magnetic, but we started marking it (often just "empty," "clean" or "dirty") and never bothered to get a magnet.


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