Friday, October 30, 2015

Off On A Tangent

     "Sine and drive," the car dealers TV ads tell me.  Never "Cosine and drive,"* never "Tangent and drive."  Hmpf.
* More like "Cosign and fret," the parents of kids buying their first car tell me. Point taken.


  1. I myself prefer Perpendicular and Drive.

  2. Tot me down for an arcsine, I've got a check from the credit union.

  3. Is there a Secant-and-drive option?

  4. no fair. in this battle, I can't play. I am totally out Numbered.

  5. I thought this was a partially a gun know, "trigger-nometry".

  6. Remember when one could buy one's first car for like a hunnerd bucks cash, and then learn how to work on brakes and radiators and fuel pumps and wheel bearings and stuff (so you could actually drive the thing without hardly killing anyone at all)? Good times. :-)


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