Friday, February 26, 2016

Simple Goal

Today's goal: to not be an asshole. Join me, please. Let's take it one day at a time, no big long-range goals, no thought of reward, just, "Today, I will try to not be an asshole."


  1. Hope you day is going better, hard to maintain an even keel when the storm waves are crashing into you..

    It sounds like "don't be an asshole" needs to be a subliminal broadcast at work for a lot of *other* people....

  2. Assholery is as contagious as the common cold.

    Preventative steps include avoiding those exhibiting symptoms, washing your hands after touching these individuals, and internal application of distilled spirits frequently when at home.

    And a final reminder, don't answer the phone!'


  3. Richard, I can only control my own behavior; the rest of 'em can answer to their conscience, their God, or not at all.

  4. I try and view the assholes through chocolate filtered lenses. I'm not sure it's working, but my blood pressure is better.


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