Friday, April 01, 2016

Locked And Loaded

     I remain convinced that the phrase, "What's all this, then?" and its various regional permutations is the single most powerful weapon in the policeman's arsenal.


  1. Back in the late 80's, I read a quote from a N. Carolina State Trooper. He said liked to mess with people by pulling up to them in his cruiser, rolling down his window and with a deadpan expression, asking "Is there something you need to tell me?" The Trooper stated that he started doing it as a joke, but that it was amazing just how much information and confessions he would get from people.
    I used that same quote with my 5 children several times starting out as a joke also.

    The things I found out. Hah!

  2. For it to be viable, it must be said in a John Cleese - like voice!



  3. " I remain convinced that the phrase, "What's all this, then?" and its various regional permutations is the single most powerful weapon in the policeman's arsenal."

    Context, please?

    (Translation: What'd he get you for?)

  4. Roberta X via KindleApril 1, 2016 at 9:40 PM

    Incorrect, Anon.

  5. "'Ello, 'ello..." (Dixon of Dock Green) is a close runner-up.

    My other favourite is the traffic-cop's "Do you know how fast you were going?"
    If you answer "Yes", you get fined double because it was deliberate.
    If you answer "No", you get fined double because you were driving without due care and attention. The only safe answer is "I'm sure you'll tell me.". Answering "What? At that speed you expect me to take my eyes off the road to look at the speedo?" is a wrong answer; I speak from experience ;-)


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