Monday, July 18, 2016

Sausage Hash?

     Sausage Hash!  I had never seen it before but Hormel's Mary Kitchen brand -- which makes the only canned corned beef hash worth eating -- puts the stuff up in cans and Meijer stores stock it.  I bought it on sight, of course, and this morning, I'm eating it.

     It's pretty darned good.  The sausage is a moderately spicy country-style, not overly greasy.*  It cooks up well and the flavor nicely complements a plain egg cooked on top of it.  I'll be buying more.

     For egg-topped hash, get the hash good and hot, stir it around, then smooth it, push a little depression in it, and crack one or more eggs over it, then cover and cook until the egg is as done as you;d like.  I break the yolk; many people prefer to leave it intact and still liquid, which can be very good.  In a 10" skillet, you get a decent bottom crust with a nice layer of well-cooked hash on top.  If you like it crispier, use a larger skillet and spread it thinner.
* With any canned hash, mind the amount of grease around the edges and if seems excessive, blot it up with a paper towel.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't find anyone who has this locally, but fortunately Walmart will deliver some to my local store free-of-charge. I'm eager to give it a try.


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