Saturday, August 20, 2016

I Mowed The Lawn Yesterday

     ...And darned near drowned in my T-shirt.  It was kinda hot and very humid.  Perspiration simply did not evaporate.  Yeech!  But the lawn's mowed, about a week overdue, so....

     The air finally wrung itself out as I was putting away lawn tools.  We had a good steady rain for a few hours.  Storms today, they say.


  1. I never water my lawn, just makes it grow. Then I have to mow it.

    Seriously, I do take a minimalist attitude toward this. The grass seems to tolerate drought a lot better than the weeds.

  2. Somehow left off the opening paragraph about how letting the lawn grow a bit taller was good for the grass, even if it causes some neighbors to look askance.

  3. I never water my lawn, either -- if the grass I have can't survive in this climate, it needs to be replaced by grass that can. Also, this is Indiana: we rarely lack for rain.

  4. I doesn't happen on the Internet w/o pictures!
    (I'm sorry...)



  5. "...And darned near drowned in my T-shirt. It was kinda hot and very humid. Perspiration simply did not evaporate."

    Sounds like May thru late September everyday in Florida.

    Noticed last fall you mentioning fall leaf-raking. Lotta work. Have you considered vaccing them up with the mower?

  6. Anon, I'd have to have the kind of mower that does that, which I don't. My electric lawnmower is around 30 years old. Never had a collection bag.

    Leaf-fall is extensive, just about crazy; a typical Autumn, leaves on my small city lot will fill up a dozen of the large paper leaf bags.

    GFA: dream on, boy!


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