Thursday, October 20, 2016

It Rained Last Night

     We had water up to the curbs in low-lying intersections when I drove home from work.  People were driving into them at speed and throwing huge roostertails.

     The rain made for pretty pictures.

     It kept on raining last night.  So far the basement is mostly dry.  Not sure how deep the puddles on the roads will be.  Rain after the leaves begin to fall can be a problem: the drain grates get plugged.


     You may wonder if I've got anything on the debate.  I don't.  Word is, they both got a little better, but neither one is a patch on famous Presidential debaters of the past.  Seriously, Leader Of The Free World, and this the applicant pool?  I've maintained for years that it's a lousy job, but really, they're best there was?


  1. Good. Rain in Indy last night means rain in DC tonight. We could use the cool off. Stupid heatwave.

  2. Been raining here for, oh, 10 days now, we seem to have about 30 to go...

    As for Leader of The Free World, James Webb alienated the DNC almost as much as Ted Cruz did the RNC.

    Either one would be far better than the two we have, even in a coma.

  3. I'm trying to figure out why that light at 10th and Illinois goes 4-way flashy red EVERY TIME it rains. I drove through there at about 1930 and it was the usual cluster-eff of people who don't know how to handle that.


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