Thursday, October 19, 2017

Putting A Name To Discomfort

     So, I have had some symptoms recently that didn't entirely add up -- pain here, discomfort there, fatigue (Imagine!  After a week of shift work) and so on and so forth.  It seemed vaguely familiar, but what...?  Went to the doctor, who called for a few tests, and she suspects I have another kidney stone.

     Imaging this afternoon (insurance permitting) to make sure. In the meantime--

     In the meantime, it's like walking around with a ticking time bomb.  These things can produce excruciating pain, depending on where they land in your plumbing, and they do so with little warning.  I figure I might as well go to work, where there's a good chance the floor I curl up on will be carpeted and there are plenty of people around who know the number for 911.  The long drive between downtown and the imaging place is a worry, but there are places to stop all along the way.

     We'll see.  I slept fifteen hours, which may've helped with the fatigue.


  1. You have my deepest sympathies. I've been there...

  2. You're in my thoughts and prayers, er, my thoughts anyway. I'm not much of prayer.

  3. Good thoughts. Here's hoping it's not a stone (but is something easily dealt with), or, if a stone, that it passes fast and relatively painlessly.

  4. kidney stones are no joke - been there twice!

    take care of yourself!!!


  5. Yuck. Take care of yourself, Roberta. There is only one of you!


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