Saturday, April 14, 2018

If House Cats Were Larger

     Acquaintances -- non cat-people acquaintances -- have told me, "Cats aren't really domesticated.  They're vicious predators.  If they were larger, they would hunt us and eat us."

     This is, of course, arrant nonsense, a vile canard.  Out cats love us.  If they were larger, they wouldn't eat us, they'd eat our neighbors; our neighbor's cats would eat us.


  1. Not sure on that one. I am a cat person. I have heard too many stories of large cats attacking their handlers to doubt the affection they show us is fleeting. I would think it was hormones but something is wired a little different in a cat.

    Your's might be different but if they suffer a sudden growth spurt I might be a little more cautious around them

  2. Reminds me a bit of the stories about the old-time cattle ranchers who said it made them sick to eat their own beef, so they'd poach a steer from their neighbor, and the neighbor would do the same, despite there technically being laws against such things.

    Only here, the cats are the cattle ranchers...


  4. I figure that when our cat licks my fingers while I'm scruffling him that he's just checking to see if the flavor is right yet.

  5. Well, akchually I caught my little black and white tom hunting me this morning....


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