Sunday, July 15, 2018

Posted Nothing?

     Did nothing.  So I have an excuse.


  1. What!!?? No stories of work, home, meals, Huck? All day, your thousands of loyal followers have been sitting on their dead butts, staring at a blank screen, anxiously awaiting your post to bring meaning to our lives.

    Then we get this......sigh.....maybe we will mosey over to Tam's place. See what she is up to.

  2. JPD, be nice to that poor person. She's been tinning and connectioning over 109 (or more) stranded (where were they stranded? We'll probably never know) wire connections from/to the Hamfest. That takes focus, determination and energy.

  3. I'm old. I have a bad knee. My car got totaled. I can take a darned day off if I feel like it.

    In fact, this blog has been feeling sort of old and stale. Maybe it's time I shut it down.

  4. ..."Tinning?" Rich, if you worked for me and I caught you tinning wire that's going in some kind of compression connection, there would be hell to pay. That's a huge source of trouble.

    I once had to rewire most of the primary power distribution in a transmitter because some nitwit on the production line thought it was a good idea to tin stranded wire that was going into "wiretrap" connections. So multiple customers got to run the experiment in the real world. Turned out it was not a good idea. Really not. Really, really not.


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