Friday, September 13, 2019

Passive-Aggressive Paper Towels

     Went to open the package and saw this:
     You're not the boss of me!  I do what I want!

     I don't think I have purchased paper napkins in thirty years.  Why bother, when paper towels work better and are suitable for so many other tasks, too? 


  1. Fricking "nudge" economy.

    I don't buy napkins, either. I eat alone all the time, so there's no one to care. Why should I spend extra for a slightly different kind of disposable paper.

    I even have real linen napkins somewhere, courtesy of my mother. Who, bless her heart, thought I might "entertain" occasionally once I became Faculty. Hah. I barely have time to eat some days, let alone fix fancy food for other people.

  2. Not going with napkins, the ones I see you can almost read through and it takes a handful where one paper towel half sheet will do quite nicely.

  3. Agree on napkins, and we thought the half width paper towels were a stupid idea when they first came out, and we were wrong.


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