Friday, December 27, 2019

Daylight Savings Calendar?

     I woke up this morning, fed the cats and went back to bed in my room, idly watching the morning news and considering what I wanted to do today.  Tam walked down the hall, looked in and remarked, "It's unusual to see you back in bed on a weekday."

     "What?  It's not Saturday?"

     "Yesterday was Thursday, so...."

     "Oh, holy cow!"

     So here I am, catching up the lost time.  I'd blame it on the mid-week holiday, but I'm darned if I know how.


  1. If Tam had merely remained quiet, you would have been epically confused tomorrow.

    Hilarity would ensue.

  2. Working in retail, this happens all the time to me and to my co-workers because our schedules constantly shift from week to week, so there's usually no set day off and no day on which we always work mornings or evenings. But Christmas does not help.

    And, since I am Jewish, there's the added confusion this week of "how many candles do I light tonight for the menorah?"


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