Friday, August 05, 2022


      Apparently a visual migraine, with effects I hesitate to describe.  It's difficult to look at things and even harder to see them.  Zero stars.  Do Not Want.


  1. Sorry to hear that. Get better soon.

  2. I would wish for you to have the sort of visual/retinal migraines that I get. They don't hurt, they don't make me sick, they just strike me blind to varying degrees over a 30-minute period (give or take).

    One of these days, migraines will be more effectively dealt with. Until then, good luck.

  3. I have had visual migraines for many years. The effects, while not indescribable, are not something I generally share with others.
    I'll keep you in my thoughts today.

  4. Hope you are better today. Peace out.

  5. Mine appear as a "neon kaleidoscope", no pain, but impeded vision for ~ 20 minutes.

  6. I had kaleidoscope vision for about three hours. That was all I could see.

    It was terrifying.

    ~ Ambulance Driver


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