Friday, July 19, 2024

They've Told Me Who They're Voting For

     It doesn't change how I plan to vote.  A few of my commenters are true-red Trumpists, and have told me how the former President "really loves this country." to which I can only point out that he loves it so much that this man who swore an oath to protect and defend our Constitution attempted by multiple mean to overturn an election which he lost, including inciting an insurrection that interrupted Congressional certification of the results and resulted in multiple deaths, and when out of office, hewing to his unsupportable Big Lie of a stolen election,* he called for the Constitution to to be suspended.  The man swore an oath to protect and defend it, and that oath -- and the U. S. Constitution! -- means no more to him than an empty pop bottle, to be tossed out if it gets in his way.

     His running mate is hardly better; Senator Vance first swore an oath to our Constitution in 2003 and again when sworn in as a Senator a few years back, but he has called for Jacksonian defiance of the separation of powers and muses that the United States is " a late republican period," referring to Rome right before Caesar ended their Republic.

      I don't have any x-ray vision into their hearts, nor do I into President Biden's, but he's been swearing the same oath to the Constitution (without picking away at it afterward) and taking Uncle Sam's paycheck for half a century now, and if he didn't love this country, he surely would have gone into a different line of work.

     It is unlikely any of these people -- or Vice-President Harris, who has been swearing the same or similar oaths since at least 2011 -- do not love our country.  My concern is that they will play by the rules.  Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he will not.  Sen. Vance has implied he will will not.  By my lights, that's disqualifying, right there.

     That leaves whoever the Democrats end up running.  It could be Joe Biden in a coma -- I can at least count on them to get us to the next election with a functioning American republic.  The GOP's picks are far too willing to pull it down.
* He has a long history of claiming any contest he does not win has been "rigged."  The Emmy awards, for example.  So his veracity in making that claim is questionable, at best -- as is his sincerity.

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