Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Leftover Ham

     Last night, one bag of leftover ham contributed to some of the best Hoppin' John I have made in some time.  With a double handful of assorted cherry tomatoes chopped up, half a red onion, diced, and multicolor bell peppers from the grocery ready-to-go cooler, two small cans of Hatch chilis, a box/large can of finely chopped tomatoes and a mostly-drained can of blackeyed peas, the ham thawed in the microwave while I sauteed the fresh vegetables with some Cajun spice mix, and once it all came together, ten minutes simmering with a bay leaf was all it took.

1 comment:

  1. Never had Hoppin' John; I'll have to try it. For some reason, your foodie posts make me hungry.


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