I watched a few minutes of last night's big Presidential speech and picked up the box scores and highlights this morning: it mostly covered what he's already done. Republicans cheered wildly and offered standing ovations; Democrats sat, jeered a little and held up small, polite signs with simple messages like "FALSE," "MUSK STEALS" and "SAVE MEDICAID."*
In short, nothing unexpected, right down to cantankerous Representative Al Green getting ejected for heckling the President, saying, "You don't have a mandate to cut Medicare." (A power Presidents, as a matter of law, do not have -- which may or may not carry much weight at present.)
Either you welcome chaos or you don't, and if you do, consider your fellow citizens -- veterans relying on benefits, the elderly and disabled relying on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. What did they ever do to you?
But I guess we're finding out now what you will do to them -- and possibly to your own tax return, et Federal cetera.
Tam and I watched an episode of Resident Alien instead, a refreshing, cheerful comedy about an alien sent to destroy the world who crash-lands in Colorado. Gotta tell ya, in context he seems benign.
* As an opposition party, their current motto is something along the lines of, "You wouldn't hit somebody who wears glasses, would you?" Guess what? That never did work and it's not working now. This is no way for adults of any political stripe to behave, on either side of the equation.
2 months ago