Friday, November 21, 2008

Did I Mention?

I now have an electric blanket.  I never had one before.  I slept with it last night.  I'm seriously considering marrying it.


  1. An electric blanket will never make you sleep on the wet spot, that's for sure.

  2. You're still just skin popping the pleasure. To mainline the good stuff, get an electric mattress pad.

  3. Yup, never have to cook for it, clean up after it, argue with it...

    Ummm....wait a minute....

  4. Electric blanket.......NO

    Down/feather blanket.........YESSSSS

  5. Though, if you're nerdly enough, you always wonder if the magnetic field from the electricity, so close to your skin, might give you cancer...

  6. Yeah, well, if you REALLY worry about that you can just turn it on for fifteen minutes beforehand, then turn it off as you jump under the covers. Just as toasty.

  7. You think YOU like it? Wait until the cats discover it.

    They'll want you to leave it on all day.

    TW: Stringst

    Conductorial anxiety produced by incompetent violin sections.


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