Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anagram This!

Anagram Server! "A cabana biker hums so;" or so they tell me. Charisma Nabob Ukase? Goodness, it's just like a horrorscope! ;)

"Starship Lupine" anagrams to "Harpist's Lineup." I certainly hope not.

(Found via Looking for Lissa).


  1. Boomershoot -> Reboots Homo

    Hmmm... Not so good.

    Boomershoot -> Booms Hooter


  2. Limited to three words, "A cabana biker hums so" leads to some entertaining results. To whit: "Samurai has backbone."


  3. Turk Turon -> Trunk Tour

    Blogmeet -> Beg Motel

  4. You always find the coolest stuff.

    17 Anagrams for Assrot

    A Sorts
    Star So
    Tars So
    Rats So
    Arts So
    Tsar So
    Tar Sos
    Art Sos
    Rat Sos
    As Tors
    As Sort
    As Rots
    Ass Ort
    Ass Tor
    Ass Rot

    I think some of these are ither questionable or possibly in a language other than 'merican.



  5. RobertaX

    46 found. Displaying all:
    Barter Ox
    Rater Box
    Taxer Bro
    Taxer Orb
    Taxer Rob
    Extra Bro
    Extra Orb
    Extra Rob
    Art Boxer
    Tar Boxer
    Rat Boxer
    Tax Borer
    Bra Ex Ort
    Bra Ex Tor
    Bra Ex Rot
    Bar Ex Ort
    Bar Ex Tor
    Bar Ex Rot
    Brat Re Ox
    Brat Ex Or
    Tab Err Ox
    Bat Err Ox
    Tea Brr Ox
    Eat Brr Ox
    Ate Brr Ox
    Eta Brr Ox
    Axe Brr To
    Oat Brr Ex
    Art Bro Ex
    Art Orb Ex
    Art Rob Ex
    Art Box Re
    Tar Bro Ex
    Tar Orb Ex
    Tar Rob Ex
    Tar Box Re
    Rat Bro Ex
    Rat Orb Ex
    Rat Rob Ex
    Rat Box Re
    At Box Err
    Tax Bro Re
    Tax Orb Re
    Tax Rob Re
    Ax Brr Toe
    A Brr Ex To




  6. Been using that for ages when I cannot come up with a good title for a post... Just take the prime topic, and find some interesting anagram.

    No one ever gets it, but that is another matter entirely.

  7. Kevin K in Norfolk VAMay 12, 2009 at 8:31 PM

    Ha! Tried this with:

    "StarBeast devoured my expedition"
    (and a couple minor variations)

    Here are some highlights (alot of them sound like newspaper headlines or article titles! Weird!):

    Sexy Barmaid Tans Petite Toe
    Deadbeat Ed Premixes Vino Tryouts
    Adamant Yetis Export Otter Pix
    Sex Abroad Trainee Pets It Out
    Abated Speed Vexed Iron Tourist
    A Bedridden Serviette Spouts Ox
    Database Termites Epoxy Tin
    Beast Adapter Emits Ye Toxin
    An Abated Seeded Vixen Irrupts Too
    Deadbeat Ed Vomits Ivory Stumps
    Beast Parades Yeti Oxen Mitt
    Abraded Ed Peeves Toxin Tourist
    Beast Aerated Ten Ox Tipis
    Sandbar Ed Videos Eeriest Ox Putt
    Sex Aboard Aunties Tripe Tote
    An Embedded Sensitive Proxy Trout
    Database Entree Mix Is Potty
    Sandbar Seeded Pixie Trout Trove
    Embedded Experiment at Virtuoso Sty
    Imbedded Retentive Troy Ox a Puss

    There were many other possibilities if I continued to rearrange things to trick/provoke the program, but that gave a nice sampling. Cool. ;-)


  8. I did have to rearrange the words in what the 'bot generated to get these, but...

    Gun Free Zone -> No Zen Refuge

    Sensible Gun Laws -> Ban, Guess New Ills

    Sensible Gun Laws -> Ban, News Slugs Lie

  9. ...And JHardin wins. The last one in particular.


  10. I don't know whether to exult or be disappointed: "No anagrams found."

    Hmmm, let's try Cluemeter. 54 results. Includes:
    Reelect Mu
    Creel Mute
    Lecture Me
    Lecture Em
    Creme Lute
    Erect Mule
    Ulcer Meet (Ah, they've been to meetings at the Salt Mines...)
    Cruel Mete
    Lucre Meet (AKA The DNC)
    Rectum Eel (But does it shriek?)

    Making it "THE Cluemeter" ups the count to 480.

    WV: suplard. No thanks, I'm not hungry...

  11. I'm not happy... My real name give me the anagram "Stalker Mission".

    That is just plain creepy...

  12. "A Bad Hunter -- Severe Foxtrot"
    "Therefore, Vents Or A Bad Tux"

    Pretty snazzy, hey?


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