Friday, September 19, 2014


     It's Talk Like a Pirate Day and I failed to point it out until it was nearly over.

     To make it up, what's a pirate's favorite letter?

     Sure, sure, I knows what yer thinkin', young Jim,* it it ain't "R."  No, a pirate's favorite letter would be...the "C."  (Highlight to reveal the answer.)

* What?  Yer not Jim Hawkins?  Well, then, look it up


  1. I read this in an RSS reader and the joke was ruined. THANKS A LOT.

  2. :) See what comes of RSS? Plus, now you can tell it to others (I stole it from a co-worker's college-age daughter, an Engineering major, of course).

  3. Arrrghhhh, what be sayin' "Pieces of seven! Awwk! Pieces of seven!"

    (answer to follow)

  4. Pirates travel at the speed of light?

  5. Space pirates do. Thems that dies'll be the lucky ones...Arrrr


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