Friday, September 20, 2024

Always Late To The Feast

     The thing about having been born at the tail end of the post WW II Baby Boom is that you keep showing up after the main bulk of Boomers have already pillaged, and you keep hearing, "Oh, we used to have that," "Oh, they did a lot of those once," "They wore that thing out and it wasn't worth fixing," "Yeah, that was a big deal ten years ago...."

     It gets tiring.  Now they're wanting to start a civil war as my golden years begin, because they're all set and they're feeling bored with that "taking care of the planet" and "the United States is a multiracial creedal republic that embraces a wide range of cultural expressions" stuff and they want to check out the exciting, bloody awfulness they remember from old movies and the elder relatives of their youth.  The Boomers don't care -- they'll be dead or buzzing on dementia's final high before the rubble stops bouncing.  They'll destroy the village in order to save it and once again, it'll be my in-between generation left with the mess.

     Thanks, loads, really.


Anonymous said...

You should see it from the viewpoint of a member of the "silent generation". We're not all comatose, you know. ;-)

JustMusing said...

Now just a dang minute! Actually I understand your frustration because I have it too! Your brush is pretty broad on this topic so try not to sweep all of us older folk out with the trash that don't get it. Yes the contrarian voices are loud and their actions despicable, but we do have an opportunity to make a huge difference going forward. Just wanted you to know there are many folks my age (78 and there abouts) that are working hard to preserve, protect, and promulatgate the need to save the Earth and Democracy. "A Change is Gonna Come"....Sam Cook.

Stay strong, stay focused, and Vote!