Saturday, February 01, 2025


     Of course I've been accused of "hating Donald Trump," with the implication that I have taken some unthinking personal dislike to the man, sneering at how he combs his hair or ties his necktie.*

     Yeah, no.  I think he's a lousy boss; he's certainly got all the hallmarks of every bad boss I have ever had, and none of the behaviors of good ones.  But Presidents don't necessarily need to be super-duper bosses.  We've had some real assholes in the job who did it well enough.

     My problem with him is he's not a very good President.  He doesn't delegate well and he dodges responsibility.  He makes decisions I think are poor, from contradicting his own subject-matter experts to ignoring issues of Constitutionality and legality when undertaking Presidential actions.  (Sorry, President Nixon, but things are not presumptively legal just because a President does them, and you can tell your pal, the odious Woodrow Wilson, that the U. S. Supreme Court, James Madison and I said so.)

     As for the man, I think he is more to be pitied than loathed.  He appears to me to be deeply insecure.

    As President, he's going to break something you value; he has let Elon Musk and Mr. Musk's minions rummage around in the system that issues individual income tax refunds and Social Security payments and nobody appears to know what they're up to.  I don't know if that's where the writes checks for Army bullets, Air Force jet fighters and Navy submarines, but I sure hope not.  That's not TDS.  It's not even PDS.  It's me, with my usual lack of trust in anybody in some sort of authority, looking with alarm at alarming behavior.  All U. S. Presidents are Just Some Guy, and all of them are capable of screwing up the job very badly.  It's not deranged to keep an eye on 'em, and to point out when they're messing up even worse than is usual for the office.
* Let us distinguish between the questionable sartorial choices and oddball behavior of Presidents on the one hand and how they actually do the job on the other.  Tan suits, weird ties, goofy jogging outfits, press conferences while on the john, bitey pets or ugly kids do not actually matter.  Running the Executive branch and avoiding civil disruption and unnecessary war matters.  Mr. Trump doesn't have a real good record on civil disorder both Left and Right, especially compared to his last several predecessors from both parties, and he seems to be working on the second.

1 comment:

Joe in PNG said...

The whole concept of "TDS" and "NeverTrump" are themselves cultish and disturbing, as they center concepts of government around a person instead of principles; to judge actions and attitudes around a man instead of ideas.
It's sad to see the Right willingly jump into a very Orwellian attitude of moving goalpost, discarding long held beliefs, and reversing positions because Their Man changed his mind this morning.
Just consider this current bit of MiniTru DoubleThink: NeoCon Foreverwar Imperialism was bad, a very bad thing back in October 2024. Now, threatening to conquer Panama & Greenland via military force is good, just the best.