Friday, August 28, 2009

Wiki/Web Wander

I did it the other direction but it works even better backwards: what does James Joyce have in common with a Purdue student?

...Bad friends, is what. However, Joyce had a better outcome and a very different venue.

Of course, that's just one example; the Brits had weirder than that. And,t come the next century, got odder still!

The idea returned later; when thing settled down, they found a new life. Eventually, one of the persons doing that decided he'd make new country.

And here's the thing: the endpoints of this arc are both in my blog.


  1. I know someone who used to live on Sealand, before the fire.

  2. I can't follow your links right now. I have to be at my grandparents' anniversary party in two hours, and it'll take almost an hour to get there.

    Maybe when I get back. You understand.


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