Saturday, February 17, 2024

Winter Snuck Back

     Unofficially, Indianapolis had over four inches of snow yesterday, falling and freezing as rush hour approached.  On my way home around 7:00 yesterday evening, I encountered four cars off the road along a blind S-curve that descends into a little low spot to cross William;s Creek.  It's posted for 15 mph, and from the positions and spacing of the cars, they had each made a wrong decision about speed, braking and/or steering at various times.  My brakes went into antilock mode a few times, at speeds of 25 mph or below -- it was that slick.

     Temperatures fell all day yesterday and continued that way overnight.  Today's been sunny and slightly warmer -- just enough to loosen the wet snow on high tree branches, and send it flurrying down in wind gusts.

     Tomorrow's supposed to be warmer.  But we've had a reminder: Winter won't slip away quietly.  We've had a few days of birdsong and sprouting crocus, and we'll have more of them later.  But not today.  And probably not tomorrow.

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