...Okay, this might not be real but it is chock-fulla Artistic Truthiness:
The Mayan Calendar predicts civilization will end 17 February, 2009! Believe it or don't.
Incandescent lamps banned in 7 years; longest term of any elected Federal office, 6 years! Believe it or don't.
No Bigfoot reports in the American West while Fred Thompson campaigns West of the Mississippi! Believe it or don't.
Neither Ron Paul nor RuPaul will deny rumors the two are related! Believe it or don't.
No UFO reports whenever Dennis Kucinnich has both eyes fully closed! Believe it.
2 months ago
I thought it was December 21st, 2012...
Um, why should the Mayans think the rest of us should suffer just because they can't count over 2009?
...I'm tryin' to conflate two predictions here, Phlegmmy!
No more analog "Star Trk," no more world.
The aliens will see our last easily-recognizable signals fade away (HDTV looks like noise) and assume it's their turn to move in.
Gots me some hoardin' to do. I really, really need real 100 and 150 watters. Those curly que thins will look like crap in our new kitchen fixtures.
Um, call me Miss Remedial, but how does forcing tv stations to switch from analog to all-digital play into the reduction of the deficit???
Well not much reason to buy an HD tv now.......
I thought it was 2012 the Mayans said we all went up in smoke. But maybe I am confusing them with Nostradomus.
Okay, the actual timetable:
--Analog TV goes bye-bye
--World Ends.
--Last legal sale of incandecent lamps in the US.
In that order.
PS: incanDECENT? Dr Freud?
Your Freudian slip is showing.
Tam: hey! Yer spozed to whisper that when menfolk are about so's a sister c'n remedy the situation gracefully. Dammit. ;)
Hermit: Nostradamus confuses everyone.
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