This was supposed to be a vacation week, cleverly tacked onto the holiday to save a day off for later. The holiday went well enough, a stormy day of housework, but a doctor's appointment got rescheduled to Tuesday morning and either the flu shot* or the lovely gourmet brunch with "breakfast hash" featuring slightly underdone scrambled eggs did me in, and I spent the rest of the day and into the night napping between bouts of digestive trouble.
So today was my first real day of vacation and I did a glorious nothing much, counting the ant lion lairs in the garden (seven), enjoying carry-out lunch from the labor-of-love Italian deli and riding my bicycle to the grocery for the first time in at least a year. Tomorrow, perhaps a project or two -- and more bicycle riding, if the weather holds.
* Comments on how you never get the flu shot and never get the flu will not be published. I haven't had the flu since I started getting the shots, after some nasty bouts back when flu shots were harder to get and I skipped them. YMMV, and that's great for you, but they seem to be working for me; I'd rather lose half a day than most of a week. Vaccines work.
2 months ago
I've had the flu, twice. The second time, I was in my bed, so sick that the cat stretched out on my back and purred until I fell asleep.
I've gotten the flu shots since.
Somehow I pictured your vacation as sitting under a palm tree in a bikini, nursing a Mai Tai. But what do I know?
Well, it's a lovely image, I suppose, give or take seventy pounds and thirty years. But I dislike travel and do not drink, so it's all ant lions, bicycle riding and perhaps a visit to an antique store for me.
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