Having little or no taste for televised sporting events, I did not watch the Superb Owl. This means I missed all the cute commercials (drat!) and whatever culture-war fallout followed. I'm happy to avoid the fussing.
Apparently envious of the attention to be gathered by public swooning or histrionic expressions of disdain, the American Right has followed the Left into a morass of shocked outrage, moral panic and apparently uncontrollable triggering* over the antics of public figures, mostly entertainers.
A lot of entertainers work hard at their craft; the burnout level is high and you need some degree of genuine talent to accompany the relentless self-promotion. On the other hand, these are exactly the kids who spent their school years charging around with a pencil up each nostril, making animal sounds. To this very day, most of them would eat a bug on live TV if the price was right, though many would insist on the bug being a designer brand, venomous and/or sustainably sourced. Getting and holding your attention is what they do, being "edgy" is one of the simplest shortcuts to that, and freaking out about it is simply getting sucked into the game.
There's a clue there, or there ought to be. You know what other group thrives on public attention and withers without it? Politicians. And behind their over-the-top reaction to over-the-top silly entertainment are two things: a desire to hitch a ride on whatever coattails are flapping by, plus a deep and abiding resentment of the competition from entertainers trying to work the same patch. For or against, bemoaning the awfulness or rallying staunchly to the defense, it's all just theater -- and they want to chivvy you into buying ticket after ticket for more of the same.
Are you sure that's what you want to spend your time and money on?
* Some people have PSTD so severe that external events can push them into truly wretched mental states. Cheapening the idea of "triggering" to apply to any minor upset we feel trivializes their struggle.
5 weeks ago
The biggest difference between entertainers and politicians, is that you can safely ignore entertainers if you want to (and I do, mostly).
If you ignore politicians for too long there's no telling what kind of trouble the critters will get up to.
Roger Stone divined a long time ago that politics is now entertainment, “show business for ugly people.”
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