An unpublished commenter referred to the incumbent President as "your guy." Yeah, no. He's a reasonably competent politician with whom I disagree on a number of substantial policy issues, who is not frighteningly bugnuts.
"Not frighteningly bugnuts" sounds like a low bar because it is a very low bar, one that through most of my life, most American office-holding politicians and viable candidates for office (though by no means all) could clear easily. The majority of today's GOP incumbents cannot, and their unsuccessful candidates skew even more sharply that way.
Fix your nutjob problem, GOP. Fix your authoritarian problem or get used to making AOC look like a reasonable, deal-making politician because your gang is so far gone into crazyland that they'll argue up is down, hot is cold and whatever the Great Leader says must be true and real even when it is not.
Neither the Democrats or the Republicans were ever "my guys," but at least today's Dems are, at their worst, just wrong. The GOP's present worst is delusional, mad for the raw exercise of power, juggling nitroglycerine and snickering when people flinch away.
2 months ago
The weirdo GOP notion that you’re supposed to buy flags and t-shirts and participate in parades for “your guy” is the weirdest and least American thing I’ve seen.
I’ve started getting DeSantis mailings about how he’s “defending freedom”, while I see him constantly using the authoritarian state hammer on the manufactured outrage of the week.. It’s the antithesis of the classic small-government local-control Republican platform.
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