We're in the midst of tomato season here at Roseholme Cottage, and I can either pick the ripe ones every day or resign myself to having to pitch a few that have gone too long. The tiny cherry tomatoes do best and they go from ripe to split in a day or less. Not much bigger than marbles, they're a little more work to prepare than full-size tomatoes, but they're full of flavor and the plants are nearly as hardy as weeds. (I'm enjoying some in an omelette with bacon, cheese and pickled okra right now.)
Wouldn't it be interesting if the Georgia criminal trial of Donald Trump and associates resulted in improvements in conditions at the (apparently pretty awful) Fulton County Jail? It turns out the same folks who sometimes say, "It's a jail, it's not supposed to be nice," feel a little differently about that when prominent politicians start getting processed there. Hey, jail isn't supposed to be nice -- but it's supposed to be sanitary. Staff isn't supposed to be so overworked or under-disciplined that they simply forget about an inmate for several days. Fulton County Jail appears to be typical of the problems with U. S. prisons and jails, only more so: understaffed, overcrowded, ill-maintained and ignored until something genuinely horrific occurs -- or, rarely, something high-profile. Like the arrest and booking of a former U. S. President.
Someone's going to write me a splutteringly-angry comment about how former U. S. Presidents should never, ever be arrested. Yeah, well, we agree on that, buddy, and all but one of 'em have managed to live their lives in such a way as to avoid it, too. Guess we need to do a better job picking 'em, and of all the luck, there's a chance to narrow the field early next year and then choose the big winner (or IMO, the unfortunate sap!) that autumn. Sharpen those pencils!
The thing about Presidents, which I keep pointing out, is that the President of the United States of America is Just Some Guy and I would not be at all surprised to find the occasional speeding ticket or fine for littering in any of their post-Presidency lives. They're not kings or saints -- no, not even George Washington -- but I do expect them to be at least as moral, trustworthy and/or clever as the average person down the street. I think that's a basic job requirement for anyone who gets to sit behind the big desk in the Oval Office: be no worse a person than an average neighbor. If you can't picture a candidate for that office -- or any lesser one -- living across the alley or down the road from you, better ask yourself why.*
Last weekend, I made a pot roast on the grill using eye of round. Laid that hunk of beef in the roasting pan with a bay leaf and four black muscatel grapes, cut in half and lined up across the top of it. Turnip, potato, carrots, celery and mushrooms followed, and it was very fine. Those sweet grapes managed to sing harmony with the other ingredients over the course of a long, slow roast. Eye of round is very lean, which I like but Tam's not so fond of. She found it to be pretty good nevertheless.
* Or picture 'em as uncles at a holiday dinner. Both of my parents grew up in large families, and until everyone moved all over the country, they'd gather a few times a year. I can see it: the big meal is over, Uncle Theodore's trying to organize a family softball game (when most of us just want to nap, or at least get the dishes finished), Uncle Andrew's gotten into a heated argument with the UPS guy, Uncle Woodrow's sulking because people were shocked when he said something racist, Uncle Dick's sulking because he likes to sulk, Uncle Ronny's telling funny stories, Uncle Jimmy just threw an empty beer can over the fence and at least half of the rest of the uncles arrived in big cars, are too well-dressed for the day and are trying to draw attention to how well-off they are without appearing immodest about it. And if you kids don't stop calling Uncle William H. Taft "Uncle Walrus," you're going to be in a lot of trouble!
2 months ago
"Uncle Walrus" is perfect and unfortunately probably resembles me more than I would like to admit.
I still find it exty-ordinarily sad that those who would call themselves Conservatives & Constitutionalist are rapidly dumping the principles that underlie our Constitution- just to keep a loudmouthed scam artist who has no real regard for any of it.
One does wonder if the fawning myrmidons with the Trump + 'Murrica flags all over their F-350 actually understand what things like Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, or Limited Government mean.
And when frost comes to the garden (as it alas comes to us all), it's time for green tomato relish. Older Joys of Cooking call for a peck of green tomatoes, not that anyone knows what a peck is anymore. Ah tempore, Ah mores.
I love you,
a bushel and a peck
a bushel and a peck
and a hug around the neck....
Sure could use more of that....me and everybody else....and less sturm und drang
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