Here we are, Christmas Eve. We got this far and that's something.
I will not, this day, hector you about politics. Not even the most positive developments of recent days are anything to celebrate, at least in my opinion; they are points we should never have reached, blots on the timeline that shame, guilt, character or the censure of wiser peers once would have prevented.
So to hell with that. You are only the boss of you and I am only the boss of me, and we should each proceed with hope and the firm intention to take the long view and do the right thing, rather than give way to dark fantasies of despair. The year's longest night is behind us. New hope is born and surely there are brighter days ahead.
2 months ago
Merry Christmas to you and all residents of you home, 2 and 4 legged.
Merry Christmas!!! And I hope you have a joy filled 2024!!
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