Tuesday, September 17, 2024

True Wisdom Comes From Within

     After over twenty-four hours of fasting, contemplation and the use of powerful drugs, I was administered even stronger drugs and with the help of an experienced and highly trained adept from a distant land, looked deep within for true knowledge.

     Here is what I have learned:

     I should keep on with the high-fiber diet.  It's working well.

     Ten years until next time.  Maybe they'll have something less awful by then.


Robert said...

"less awful" Don't count on it. Even the new we're-living-in-the-future virtual colonoscopies still require the purging ritual. Darnit.
As I understand it, the hierarchy of usefulness for seeing your insides non-surgically is: camera (ew); CT/MRI; ultrasound; thumping yer outsides like a melon. Sigh. On the plus side, after enough CTs you don't need a night light.

Mike V said...

If my experience in July was an indication (it was not my first rodeo), less awful is more a wishful fantasy at this point. But I am as hopeful as you.

grich said...

I was cleared for 8 years after my session of wisdom earlier this year. And the drugs apparently need to be a little stronger for me now...I woke up during the procedure. Surprise! Some mild pain, and a brief awkward conversation, and they had me back in la-la-land. What fun!