Thursday, March 06, 2025

Europe Crunches Towards War

     By my figuring, the planet's been in WW III since Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine called for -- and got -- international help.

     It was a small and proxy war; the West was prepared to fight to the last Ukrainian, the last Russian or peace, whichever came first.  Awful, cynical, heartbreaking -- but not atypical.

     Now that the U.S. has put assistance to Ukraine on hold, Europe is moving to a war footing.  Welcome to 1937!

     Being the world's policeman is a thankless and not-inexpensive task.  The only thing it beats are all of the alternatives.  As we may soon discover.


Joe in PNG said...

1937's Americans were saying "We don't want our kids to die fighting in France!" Come June 6, 1944 and Americans were dying to just get a small foothold in France.
Hopefully we're not having to do spend a lot of blood and treasure just to get back to what Trump is so willing to give away today.
And not just in Europe, either. It's very possible that he puts us in the place where we also have to re-do the Pacific Theater against the Chinese.

grich said...

Yeah. When will the Russian tanks roll across the rest of Ukraine? Into Poland? Orban likes Putin, so the keys to Hungary will just be handed over.

Perhaps the current US regime is blind to Putin's threat because the regime is a bunch of bullies, as is Putin (remember the old saw that the easiest mark for a salesperson is another salesperson). Of course, Putin is at a whole different level of bully.

Joe in PNG said...

There is an element of philosophical sympathy between Putin, Trump, Musk, and Vance for the idea of a Strong Man Autocratic Government. Then there's the whole Globalhomo Konspiracy Koolaide they've been peddling to the mooks on FB- which dovetails nicely with all that paid Vatnik Propaganda.

But the fact that Z didn't beg, plead, and grovel, fawn and lick the boots of Trump & Co is probably the biggest driver of the admin's actions. Like many extraordinarily weak men, Trump bullies when he has the advantage- as you noted above. And like many weak men, he's a pissy, whiney, petty little diva when he things he's been insulted, and wants his revenge- USA be damned.

John Peddie (Toronto) said...

Per son Eric Trump, Russia is the source of their loans, and they must be nice to their creditors or...Well, there are 4th floor windows.

Comrade Misfit said...

Dear Trumpies: When your kids and grandkids get drafted into the Army in the next several years, don't come crying to me about it. You were warned.

wrm said...

>Being the world's policeman is a thankless and not-inexpensive task.

A classic case of the police saying "you don't need guns*, we will protect you". And now Ukraine is being raped in a dark alley** and the message they're getting is "oh sorry we had a change of heart on that protection thing".

* nukes, but the metaphor works
** by one of the policemen