A lot of people feel it, or dimly suspect it; they know there's something deeply wrong with the world but they can't figure out what it is. Some people think they know it -- drunks mumble-blurting wild stories about service in a military that doesn't sound like any Movie of the Week while asking for spare change, wild-eyed, talking about events and places that don't show up on any map of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iraq (again!) or even that Caribbean island nobody remembers? Those guys, they probably know. The guy at the flea market, with the rack of smudgily-printed flyers warning of the Roman Occupation Government, giving tips on burying guns in your backyard (do they sprout?), fretting over flying-saucer overlords, commie Russian plots and the dangers of fluoridated vaccinations? He probably knows and doesn't even realize he knows amid all the other noise.Read the whole intro at I Work On A Starship.
2 months ago
Typo. Two liked that should be lied.
Typo schmypo. Just glad you're writing again.
Very nice :-)
Hey, more high quality SF! :D
The free ice cream machine is working again! Hooray!
Seriously, nice to see you are able to write about the Highest Frontier again
That typo fixed.
That typo fixed.
BTW I agree with Fuzzy and my typo call was not meant as a criticism. Happy so see more writing.
I took it as constructive advice -- I can't get *anyone* to copy-check for spelling and word-use, even for free books.
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