Only this time it's run by the Department of Justice,[1] so instead of a damaged reputation and a possible "Contempt of Congress"[2] charge, their victims will face criminal charges and hard time in Federal prisons. Don't look for any semi-drunken harangues about sneaking Commie infiltrations, either. The reconstituted Clinton-era Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee won't be going after any foreign-influenced smalltimers like the Boston Marathon bombers, oh no sirreebob, they're after bigger fish and game, like those horrible-evil right-wingers that got into a bloodless standoff over grazing on Federal lands.
The deviation-DeTECtors of DTEC'll keep us safe even if they have to jail up every harelipped machine-gunner on the line at Knob Creek, and your cousin with the Gadsden flag tacked up in his garage besides.
Personally, I haven't felt this comforted since the time I learned the Russians have had a "deadman's switch" last-strike system up running since the 1960s -- and it's still in place.
That Mr. Eric Holder, he sure does know how to cure paranoia: by justifying it.
See ya in the re-education camps!
1. Oh, Orwell, where is thy-- Ow! Ow! Oh, there it is. Dammit.
2. Man, if Congress ever touches reality about the degree of public contempt they're steeping in, there's gonna be more folks behind Federal bars than outside.
2 months ago
Hey know, who are you calling hairlipped!?
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the WAR Room!"
Gotta protect our precious bodily fluids from loss of essence. Cornerstone of Michelle's nutrition program.
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