Monday, May 04, 2015

When You Read This...

      ...I will already have left for work, some time before 0330 0300.  In the morning, none of your slugabed fifteen-thirty hundred hours, oh no.  It's early to rise and nothing but virtue, coffee and bloodshot eyes.  Or a reasonable approximation thereof of the first and second items, and if I am very, very lucky, someone in one of the other early-at-it departments will have brought in donuts.  (ETA: They did not.  And the breakroom's honor system supply of cellophane-packaged bite-sized donuttage is a nasty-tasting off brand.)

     Gah.  If we were supposed to be active at this time of day, it wouldn't be so difficult to accomplish.


Anonymous said...

Yea donuts!


Rick T said...

Thank goodness Caffeine is now officially a Good Thing to drink...

Starting your day in the belly of the night can not be fun...

homebru said...

I have frequently had to remind myself that if the job were easy, they would have hired an entry-level.

And (2), "donuttage". Yes. Absolutely. Marvelously appropriate invention.