The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Dayton Hamvention
I've made my mind up. I'm going to try to get to the Dayton Hamvention. Last year, the additional drive to the new location and back home in one day made the trip difficult, even though I didn't make a long day of it at all. So I'll be doing half the drive a day ahead.
I plan on being out there on Saturday (one day of walking is all I can take these days. Hopefully I'll do it this year without the active gout attack).
If you want to do an eye-ball QSO and don't have my contact info from previous attempts, I can pass it to Tam.
Antibubba, as of last year, Hamvention is held at a county fairgrounds just outside of Xenia. It makes my drive there noticeably longer and more complicated. There's a lot less paving and it's miles down two-lane roads once you're off the interstate. Cars were sinking in the swamp of a parking lot and having to be hauled out by wreckers. Other than that, it's nice, with multiple large buildings and a big open-air flea market in the infield of the dirt racetrack.
Q: What's the best answer to "how was your trip?" A" "Uneventful!"
I wish you an uneventful trip!
BTW, right up your alley, my good friend Scotty is giving the "Internet Telegraph" talk Friday, noon-1pm. Good chance the SCSon will be on for the live demo! (Please no critique on his CW skillz... we are but raw beginners)
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Ego vadum perussi vestri prandium
"I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends; that their friendship was for summer weather only; that they did not greatly propose to do right; that they were a distinct race from me by their prejudices and superstitions."
Henry David Thoreau
Blogs: A link here does not constitute an endorsement! Many people have gone nuts in recent years.
What day?
I plan on being out there on Saturday (one day of walking is all I can take these days. Hopefully I'll do it this year without the active gout attack).
If you want to do an eye-ball QSO and don't have my contact info from previous attempts, I can pass it to Tam.
With Hara Arena torn down, where is it held?
Actually, Hara is still standing (for now). the property was just sold to a developer. Not sure what they are planning.
Hamvention is now being held at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia.
I'm hoping to go Friday, Randy.
Antibubba, as of last year, Hamvention is held at a county fairgrounds just outside of Xenia. It makes my drive there noticeably longer and more complicated. There's a lot less paving and it's miles down two-lane roads once you're off the interstate. Cars were sinking in the swamp of a parking lot and having to be hauled out by wreckers. Other than that, it's nice, with multiple large buildings and a big open-air flea market in the infield of the dirt racetrack.
Ah well, maybe next year (I have to work Friday)
Or maybe at Ft Wayne in November
Safe travels!
Q: What's the best answer to "how was your trip?"
A" "Uneventful!"
I wish you an uneventful trip!
BTW, right up your alley, my good friend Scotty is giving the "Internet Telegraph" talk Friday, noon-1pm. Good chance the SCSon will be on for the live demo! (Please no critique on his CW skillz... we are but raw beginners)
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