Wondering what I have to say about the story that's leading TV newscasts and making headlines this morning?
Keep wondering. I've got nothing. Oh, it was mildly surprising, but here is the thing: It's not going to sway the opinion of a significant number of voters either way. People's minds are made up. So it's moot.
Between now and November third and barring natural disaster or sneak attack, the only thing that might -- might -- change the opinions of voters would be, to update an old line to accommodate Ms. Harris, catching a Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidate in bed with a dead member of the opposite sex or a live member of the same sex, and I'm not entirely sure even that would do it.
Come November, you have your choice of septuagenarians, each one with a VP chosen to appeal to their base. Or, of course, the various third-party candidates. I usually go for the LP's pick -- not because I think they will win, but because I'd rather see them in the job than either of the candidates that are going to come in first and second and that's the only way I have of communicating my opinion.
But I'm not going to tell you how to vote. We all pull the lever and take our chances. Even bad choices are better than no choice.
2 months ago
I would like to see a current events post on the shelving system. After installation, when you dismantled it to get it into the room, and then (re-?) mantled it inside. If I simply missed the post (with pictures, pleeeeease?) just delete this comment.
"And if you decide not to choose, you still have made a choice" Rush,Free Will
I sometimes think it would be more representative of reality to put Las Vegas style slot machines in voting booths with candidate pictures instead of fruits on the rotors.
I see your point, but I think the debates might matter. They allow people to see the candidates in a setting that neither party entirely curates. I remember when they really altered the outcome of the 2000 election. Bush successfully appeared smarter than he had been portrayed and Gore looked like a jerk. If Biden can use them to break the confused old man stereotype and keep his feet out of his mouth, he will win. If Trump can use them to explain his policies without someone telling you how to think about them, he may gain significant ground.
I can't see them swaying the hardcore partisans to vote for the other guy, but they might contribute to them staying home. They may also change how the independents vote.
When possible, I prefer to vote for the LP contestant, especially for the city and county level positions. For unknown reasons, the national level ones seem to be as crazy as loons. The pair that ran in the last prez election I wouldn't have voted for if they had been running for local dogcatcher. IIRC, they were anti-gun, just to start with.
While I understand that you (and other members of the household) may be hesitant to indulge in too many cat posts, I can assure you that they are welcome palate cleansers. A slight increase in frequency would be welcome.
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