Conservative media being largely preoccupied with goofball takes on the COVID-19 pandemic and getting alarmed at the President,* it has fallen to Pro Publica and the Gray Lady to pick up the slack:
How Bots and Fake Accounts Push China’s Vision of Winter Olympic Wonderland.
It ain't pretty, what Winnie the Pooh's evil twin is up to. And his old pal Uncle Vlad is even worse. At least somebody's watching them.
* When it ain't Your Guy in the White House, the resident of 1600 Pennsy is simultaneously senile or deranged, a puppet of shadowy forces and a ruthless, sneaky mastermind in his own right. The image is little more than a cheesy copy of a Bond villain. Just as soon as the office-holder is replaced by one from the other party, the sides holding this view flip, but the narrative never changes. In my life, I have seen a handful of would-be "masterminds" get elected and dig in, and every last one of them was more concerned with getting re-elected than evildoing, incapable of really effective sneakiness and of only average intelligence or a bit higher. Few geniuses, no morons. But where's the excitement in that? And thus, always, Presidential Derangement Syndrome from the opposing partly, as reliable as the full moon and twice as howling. There are plenty of Presidents I don't think much of and a few who I think have intended and done actual harm -- but they have never fit the dumb/puppet/mastermind PDS mold, because no one does.
2 months ago
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