Thursday, December 22, 2022

Weather Alert

      You don't need me to tell you that there's horrible weather coming to most of the contiguous U.S., if it hasn't already arrived where you are.

       I hope the forecasters have erred on the side of caution and it will fizzle out, leaving us feeling a little silly.  But you can't count on that, so stock up, batten down and we'll see how it goes.


RandyGC said...

Local ARES/SKYWARN nets start informal monitoring nets tonight. So far the local forecast is between nothing burger and OMG!

Already stocked up. I try to stay that way, enough for a week or so any way, usage replenished weekly.

Stay warm and be safe.

Cop Car said...

Our low, today, was -3 F; high, +2 F. Under 1 inch of snow. (Wichita KS area, readings from our outdoor thermometer.) Talked to Elder Brother (Loveland CO) at about 2pm. He had had -17 this morning with 1-3 inches of snow. Moderate wind, both places (15 gusting to 40 in our area).

Mike-SMO said...

Grumble. Inhave had to "rescue" my trash can twice. I thought that it was secure. The wind thought different.

Merry Christmas.