Friday, January 31, 2025

"...Don't Know Much About Government..."

     The current President -- who held the job before -- does not appear to know what "Continuity of Government" is.  Here's a bit from yesterday's press conference:

Speaker 17 (47:08): [...] if you could clarify perhaps something that the defense secretary said when he said that this helicopter went on a continuity of government mission?

Trump (47:23): I don't know what that refers to, but they were practicing. They do that. They call it practicing and that's something that should be done. It's only continuity in the sense that we want to have very good people and that has to be in continuity and that's what they refer to, but it was basically practice and it was a practice that worked out very, very badly.

      You can read the entire transcript here. I burst out laughing when I heard it live.  CoG is serious, base-level keep-it-going stuff.  When then Vice President Dick Cheney was evacuated to an "undisclosed location" on 9/11, that was a Continuity of Government move.  (He was probably taken to Raven Rock, a secure bunker.)  On one level, the various people who would be covered by CoG -- and who have CoG "shadows" in place -- don't need to know much about it, or the various scenarios the people involved train for.  They just have to get in the helicopter and trust the crew.  But they do have to know CoG exists, and why, and what it would do.  I got the impression our current President might not have been taking notes when they covered the topic.

     It was easy to miss among the bizarre, DEI-blaming comments, but it happened.  I don't think he's done his homework.

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