I can, in fact, be convinced by logical argument supported by verifiable facts. It's kind of a thing with me.
On the other hand, if your idea of refutation is this comment: "Damn you're stupid" then all you have done is show me you're a member of the might-makes-right team, nothing more than a brute authoritarian, and you have neither facts nor logic on your side. Sorry, ol' jackboot, but being quoted to mock is as close to published as your comment will get.
Another would-be commenter linked to an oily article arguing that tired old trope, that the January 6, 2021 riot (and behind-the-scenes Administration machinations) couldn't possibly have been an insurrection because it was a grabastic soup sandwich, and because the action at the Capitol was not one hundred percent violent chaos. Nope, sorry, won't wash. The plotters were pretty clearly counting on Vice-President Pence playing along, at which point the riot would have been mostly window-dressing. Muddled lines of command, control and communication are an excellent route to plausible deniability. But a few periods of relative calm in some areas of the Capitol do not negate the violence of the break-in, nor the internal hammering-down of doors and windows, assaults on persons and facilities, vandalism and theft committed in the course of that day. Smug commentators in comfortable offices can smirk and retcon all they like, but it doesn't change the events recorded on video that day, many of which I watched in real time.
Trump supporters and fellow travelers would not be trying to rewrite history so desperately hard if they were not embarrassed by their side's actions on that day. It's hard to claim you Back the Blue when your side is beating up cops, isn't it?
So go on, keep up the name-calling, keep up the handwaving bullshit. It doesn't change what actually happened. It doesn't change what Team Trump tried to do. And it doesn't change what you are: thugs. Thugs without respect for democracy, decency or the freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights. From the crowned heads of 18th-Century Europe to the Know-Nothings, from the Confederacy to the Klan to the fascist movements of Europe and their less-successful American counterparts, the Trumpian Right is part of a terrible tradition that believes power is its own justification and that some men are -- and should be -- more equal than others. But that is a damnable lie; it is and has always been a self-evident truth that all men are created equal. All of 'em. Even women. Even people who are darker than you are, who are poorer than you are, who don't follow the same religion, even the ones who don't share your political opinions.
This country is headed down a bad path for the next four years. I expect a reaction at the midterms. I have no idea what to expect in the intervening two years, but when I look back at Mr. Trump's first term and hear his wild talk now, I can see it won't be anything good. Oh, and if you were expecting eggs to get cheaper? Don't bet on it.
2 months ago
Egg prices certainly will not be going down anytime soon.
Democrats pushed through a law here in Michigan (and have done in other states as well) requiring all egg-layer chickens to be cage free in order for eggs to be sold. This has driven up the cost of eggs and produced egg shortages as the law kicks in now.
It turns out Michigan is a major egg exporter to other states, thus causing price increases elsewhere, too.
"Pushed through," was it? Either they had the votes or they didn't; there's nothing nefarious about normal legislative procedure. If you don't like the law itself, say so. Either there's a quorum or there's no vote, and there's no victory without at least a majority of the votes. I'm sick and tired of the partisan nonsense of pretending one's own side sips fine coffee while the other side swills coarse java -- from the same damn carafe.
But our local egg shortages are, according to the stores themselves, due to bird flu issues, presumably outbreaks or actions taken to prevent outbreaks. Cage-raised chickens are crammed in, several to a cage, the cases so close that if one hen in a chickenhouse gets sick, they all will be; free-range chickens are exposed to free-range birds of all types and whatever viruses, etc. they may carry. Both carry obvious risks.
Indiana has large egg producers. High-density egg production is widespread in the U.S., with the cost of power, water and real estate and access to distribution as the main considerations. Free-range/pasture-raised, etc. is more climate-dependent, but not entirely constrained by it. The County Assessor my mother reported to as a township tax assessor was a chicken farmer first and foremost, running a multi-henhouse "egg factory," the sight and smell of which certainly makes a lasting impression.
If only it were possible to open a news search tab on Google and type "egg shortage" to find out it has nothing to do with Michigan...
TANSTAAFL. Campaign trail demagoguery actually has cost to actually implement, and I suspect that we're about to find that our cost of living is about to skyrocket sharply next month- eggs included.
Also, it's interesting how the Trumpites can flip their principles in such a way & at such a speed that even MiniTru would be like "now hold on here! That's a bit too much!"
Like remember when MAGA thought NeoCon Forever Wars & Nation Building were a Bad Thing?
Have you considered raising a few hens? It's becoming a thing as more cities and towns are allowing backyard hens.
Last May, over 4 MILLION chickens were killed in ONE large egg operation in ONE county of Iowa due to avian influenza. Bird flu was detected in a flock in that same county a few weeks ago. The total number of laying hens killed due to bird flu is over 100 million since it appeared. That would certainly affect the supply of eggs and affect prices, but those are facts, and facts are to be ignored by the MAGA crowd if they don't fit their narrative. By the way, once harvest is done, millions of gallons of poop from all forms of high-density animal agriculture gets dumped into the fields as fertilizer. There is no fresh air in this state...everywhere smells like shit most of the winter.
Anon: I have not. I don't like chickens; In my opinion, they're stupid and/or vicious. I had ducks as a child, and if I had more room, I'd raise ducks again: ducks are more interesting and clever (though very greedy) and duck eggs are richer than hen's eggs.
With bird flu circulating, I'd recommend being very careful with any back yard egg-layer.
Right now, backyard poultry are a great vector for getting your indoor cats sick.
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