About a week ago, I started feeding Tam's cat Random Numbers "Rannie" Wu special food for kitties with sensitive stomachs. At first, it seemed to help but it has been increasingly obvious that while she likes it, she cannot keep it down. It gives her more trouble than the "senior cat" formula we had been feeding her.
So it's back to the old folk's food for Miss Rannie, starting tonight. Maybe I should try buying her feeder mice if that doesn't work!
2 months ago
Ms. Roberta:
Have you tried the Trader Joe's (yeah, I know) "Tuna for Cats"?
It's the special treat food we give our critter, particularly if he's lost (yet another) fight and has to have his oral antibiotics mixed in with it. Even with that, when he hears the sound of the medication being taken from the fridge he runs over and anxiously awaits it to be mixed with the food.
It's pretty gentle on their tummies, and the only problem compared with a straight-kibble diet is the stinkiness of the end-product.
If nothing else try a can, and then watch yourself be surrounded by cats who claim that they haven't been fed for months, and that no one could be so cruel as to deprive them of this meal.
I swear that how often cats barf up their food is the only thing making me doubt evolution.
Only problem with feeder mice are the inevitable escapees...
Since we started feeding Halo non grain formula for cats, none have up-chucked anything.
If she's tossing her food regularly, then might be something else is wrong.
The vet says not. One problem is she bolts her food too quickly.
Tiggr had that same problem; eat too fast, barf it up.
I would suggest that you either (a) call your vet or (b) speak with a knowledgeable person (hopefully there is one) at the place where you buy cat food. For the past 6 months or so my 4 cats have been on Science Diet Indoor Age Defying, at the suggestion of a vet who's a friend of my roommate's. The difference was considerable; for the first time in months we didn't smell Archie's (a 12-year-old diabetic Maine Coon mix who looks like a long-haired Garfield) poop through the whole apartment.
I wish you and Tam good luck with this. Nobody wants to see a cat suffer, or to be cleaning up cat barf (ugh).
Susan Levy, Brooklyn, NY
My cats have an almost crack-like addiction to the Friskies in a can, but I give them just enough for a taste in the morning. Otherwise, their dry food, which is down all the time, is Taste Of The Wild. I can't remember the last time either had a hairball, they're both at a health weight, and their poop doesn't drive me from the room. It's worth the extra cost.
You might see if your local pet shop has cat food samples.
Many thanks, "Antibubba".
Sue L.
Tam's cat had been on Science Diet's Indoor Age Defying, and she is again. Horking is way down. The other kind I tried was Science Diet, too.
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