Twenty Tap is back -- and it is as if they never closed! A small kitchen fire ("...flames less than an inch high...") near the end of February managed to crawl up the wall, get into the ceiling and required the Indianapolis Fire Department to squelch. Afterward, a combination of inspections, permitting and kitchen remodeling (presumably in aid of preventing future congflagrations as well as updating the equipment) kept putting off the re-opening. Thursday last, they finally threw the doors wide (after a couple of days of trial-running for family, friends and returning staff) and the place was packed!
Tam and I visited Saturday evening, after a day of window-shopping (at least for me) at the Indy 1500 Gun & Knife Show. I had a pork bahn mi (basically a barbecue sandwich with a salad snuck in) and she enjoyed a steak salad. It was the dinner hour, just gone six, and they were hopping busy -- despite which, service was as fast, attentive and pleasant as ever. I'm happy to see 'em back. This is one of the places in Broad Ripple where you can show up during the slow hours, get a bit to eat, and write on your portable device. We've both missed it.
2 months ago
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