Saturday, April 27, 2024

Compression, Time, Rest

     All the above on Saturday, plus...the online writer's group.  That's not physical activity, but it wore me out nonetheless.  I napped in the afternoon, puttered around, had a little dinner, looked at television and went to bed.  As of Saturday night, my left ankle was not nearly as swollen but the bruise is still tender and aching.

     Television: Tam and I watched Ted Lasso all the way though over the last several weeks and enjoyed it.  I started not knowing much, and between "sports comedy" and "former Saturday Night Live Comic," my expectations were very low: sophomoric, mean humor, probably gross humor, slapstick--  Instead, it was as kind-spirited a sitcom as I have seen since The Dick Van Dyke Show or maybe Andy Griffith.  Oh, there was a little slapstick, seamlessly part of the story, and one zillionaire was pure caricature; but it was a darned good series, and left me better-disposed towards my fellow humans.

     We're now watching Three-Body Problem, in which at least some humans don't acquit themselves quite so well.  It's fascinating, and said to be heavily adapted from the original.  It's slightly old-fashioned, slightly Campbellian save-the-world science fiction and I can see why the books managed to break out of their home market, China.

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