It's not just that the future is stupid -- c'mon, we already knew that.
It's that the future more and more looks to be irredeemably stupid and incomprehensibly cruel, cocooned in vast numbers of people and institutions eager to make excuses for whatever they can't manage to cover up.
There is no shortage of blunt instruments, both real and metaphorical, and a profound lack of anyone with the blacksmithing skills necessary to wield them for anything constructive.
2 months ago
I think there are many talented, intelligent folks out there who could make a difference in the political picture, but are simply not interested in committing themselves to what would be a struggle of immense proportion, given the situation as it now exists.
And I can't blame them.
There are many talented capable people out there who don't want every moment of their lives flayed, exposed, and displayed by public media and private doxxers.
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